What is a Website Reviewer Tool? How Should I Review My Website Step by Step?

Search Engine Optimization

What is a Website Reviewer Tool? How Should I Review My Website Step by Step?

11/13/2022 12:00 AM by Admin in Free seo tools

What is a Website Reviewer Tool? How Should I Review My Website For SEO Step by Step?

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Website SEO review is the process of evaluating a website's search engine optimization (SEO) to identify areas for improvement and ensure that it is performing as well as possible in search engine results. SEO is an important factor in the success of a website, as it can help increase its visibility and drive traffic from search engines. A thorough SEO review can help identify any issues that may be preventing a website from ranking well in search results and provide recommendations for how to fix them.

There are many different aspects to consider when conducting a website SEO review. This includes evaluating the website's technical SEO, such as its crawlability and loading speed, as well as its on-page SEO, such as the quality and relevance of its content and the structure of its pages. It is also important to review the website's backlink profile and analyze its search traffic to understand how well it is performing in terms of driving traffic and achieving its business goals. By conducting a regular SEO review, website owners can identify opportunities for improvement and make ongoing efforts to optimize their website's performance in search results.


Here are some steps you can take to review your website's SEO:

  1. Check your website's crawlability. Use a tool like Google Search Console to see if there are any crawl errors or other technical issues that could be affecting your website's search visibility.

  2. Analyze your website's on-page SEO. Look at the content and structure of your website's pages to ensure that they are optimized for relevant keywords and that they are easy for search engines to understand.

  3. Check your website's backlink profile. Use a tool like Ahrefs or SEMrush to see how many backlinks your website has, where they are coming from, and what anchor text is being used.

  4. Monitor your website's search traffic. Use a tool like Google Analytics to see how much traffic your website is getting from search engines and which keywords and pages are driving the most traffic.

  5. Identify opportunities for improvement. Once you have a sense of how your website is performing, you can identify areas where you can improve your SEO, such as by creating more high-quality content or by fixing technical issues that are preventing search engines from crawling your site.

  6. Test your website's loading speed. Use a tool like PageSpeed Insights to see how quickly your website loads and get recommendations for how to improve its speed.

  7. Consider using an SEO audit tool. These tools can help you identify a wide range of SEO issues and provide recommendations for how to fix them.

Overall, regularly reviewing your website's SEO can help you identify and fix any issues that could be holding back its search visibility and performance.

Here are some more PRO tips to ensure that your website is performing well on all fronts.


Check for Google Analytics tracking

If you want to check if Google Analytics is tracking properly, there are a few things you can do. First, you can check the tracking code on your website to make sure it's installed correctly. Second, you can use the Google Analytics Debugger extension for Chrome to check for any tracking errors. Finally, you can review your Google Analytics reports to see if they're showing any data. If all these things check out, then you can be confident that Google Analytics is tracking properly.


Check for proper title tags

Proper title tags have a huge impact on SEO and the overall user experience. The perfect title tag should be descriptive, concise, and above all relevant. For example:

1: Do You Like My New Title Tag?

2: Cool Title Tag, Bro!

3: I Can't Even Read That! What is It?

Each of these is a vastly different title tag and will lead to vastly different results on search engines. With proper attention given to each one, you can see why #2 is the best option. Short, simple and easy to read. Although it may seem like a small detail as compared to large-scale changes you may be making to your site, taking the time to make sure all your titles are properly formatted will pay off in the long run.



Check for proper meta descriptions

A meta description is a short description of a page's content. It should be between 150 and 160 characters long, and it should be relevant and accurate. A good meta description can improve your click-through rate, and it can also help your SEO.

To check if your meta descriptions are proper, you can use a tool like OPEN SEO Tools. It will analyze your page and tell you if your meta descriptions are too long, too short, or if they're not relevant to the page's content.

You can also use Google Search Console to check your meta descriptions. To do this, go to the "Search Appearance" section and click on "HTML Improvements." From there, you'll be able to see if your meta descriptions are too long, too short, or missing altogether.

Making sure that your meta descriptions are proper is a good way to improve your SEO. By using a tool like Yoast SEO or Google Search Console, you can easily check your meta descriptions and make sure they're up to par.


Check for broken links

When you're running a website, it's important to regularly check for broken links. Broken links can frustrate visitors and make it difficult for search engines to index your site. There are a number of tools you can use to check for broken links, including online services and browser extensions. You can also use the 'site: search operator on Google to find broken links on your site. To do this, simply enter 'site: yourwebsite.com' into the Google search bar and see which pages are returning 404 errors. Once you've found broken links on your site, you can either remove them or redirect them to working pages.


Check for duplicate content

There are a number of ways to check for duplicate content. One way is to use a search engine such as Google. Simply type in a few relevant keywords from your content, and see what results come up. If there are any websites that appear in the results with very similar content to yours, then it's likely that your content is duplicated. Another way to check for duplicate content is to use a Open SEO Tools plagiarism checker such as Copyscape. This will scan your content for any text that matches other content on the internet. If your content is found to be duplicated, you will need to either remove it or make sure that it is properly attributed to the original source.


Check for keyword stuffing

Keyword stuffing is the act of filling your content with so many keywords that it becomes difficult to read. Not only is this a bad user experience, but it can also hurt your SEO. To check for keyword stuffing, simply read through your content and see if it sounds natural. If it seems like you're cramming in too many keywords, then you may be keyword stuffing. Another way to check is to use a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner. This tool will tell you how many times a keyword has been search for in a given month. If you're using a keyword too many times, then you may be keyword stuffing.

Check for thin content

Thin content is content that is low in quality or lacks substance. It's generally something that has been written for the sole purpose of getting traffic from search engines. To check for thin content, simply read through your content and see if it provides value. If it doesn't seem to offer anything of value, then it's likely that it's thin content. Another way to check is to use a tool like Google's Page Speed Insights. This tool will analyze your content and tell you if it thinks your content, is low quality. If your content is considered to be low quality, then it's likely that it's thin content.



After you've checked for the basics, you can start to explore other aspects of the website that can be improved. Here are a few other things to look for:

Check the site's design and user experience. Is it easy to navigate and understand

Check the site's loading speed. Are there any areas that need to be optimized

Check for duplicate content. Are there any pages that could be consolidated

Check the site's backlink profile. Are there any high-quality links that can be built

Check the site's social media presence. Are there any opportunities to improve engagements


Following these steps will help you create a comprehensive website review that will identify areas of improvement. By addressing these issues, you can ensure that your website is performing at its best.

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