Write a blog for us

Search Engine Optimization

Write a blog for us

12/06/2022 12:00 AM by Author in Guest blog

Write for Us 

Write a few paragraphs with writing rules for the above title: Writing a blog post can be a great way to engage with your audience, build your online presence, and promote your business. However, it is important to remember a few key writing rules when creating a blog post.

First, make sure you are writing for your intended audience. Consider what the reader is looking for and tailor your content to meet their needs. Start with a clear introduction that will capture their attention, and use facts and figures to support your arguments.

Second, use creative and engaging language. Your blog post should be written in an interesting and engaging style that will keep readers hooked. Avoid long run-on sentences and use shorter sentences and paragraphs. Also, use words and phrases that are easily understood by your audience.

Third, use visuals to enhance your blog post. Pictures, videos, and other visual elements can help to break up the text and make your blog post more interesting. Be sure to use high-quality images and graphics, and include captions to describe them. Finally, be sure to include relevant links. Linking to other related content will help to improve your SEO and make your blog post more valuable for readers. It can also be a great way to showcase your expertise. By following these writing rules, you can create a blog post that will engage and educate your readers. You can also use this writing style to create other types of content, such as articles and web pages.

Write for Us or Contact us to Become a Contributor


• The opportunity to have your work published by writing or sharing destination images for a global travel brand is an amazing opportunity.

•It is great to have your work published by a global travel brand, and you get to share all of the credit with them.

• A link back to your personal blog/website if you have one, meaning more traffic to your site and backlinks. No linkback to the sale of unrelated 3rd party products.

• Having your work published by a global travel brand is an incredible privilege, and it comes with a lot of benefits.

Authenticity – We appreciate authentic content that is original and not copied from elsewhere.

Tone and writing style – Make sure the content you produce matches the personality of our brand - it should be informal and friendly.

Audience – We want to provide content that is reflective of the diversity of our audience.


  1. Make sure you spell, grammar, structure and format your article correctly.
  2. Aim for a minimum of 500 words in your article, but don't be afraid to go over if it's a good story.
  3. Use text, bullet points or numbers as appropriate to help illustrate your points in an organized and easy-to-read way.

Content – Before submitting your content, please make sure that it is appropriate for our tours and destinations.

Imagery – We encourage you to use photos that you own the right to, or which can be shared without any copyright restrictions.

One or Tow photos only

The format must be (Webp)

Photo size should not be more than 150kb,

The image must be in a landscape layout.

Must not have any copyrights

Note: Post will no be accepted if any of the above conditions aren't met.

To contact us for blog posting click here


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